Производитель: CD-Maximum по лицензии Season Of Mist
Год выпуска: 1997/2002
Упаковка: CD Box
Трек лист:
1. Prologue - To Exclude From The Cycle Of Generations
Cycle I - Delusive Complexion
2. Sequence 1 - Spiritu Fornicationis
Action 1 - Distressing Amnios
3. Sequence 2 - Say The World That Fall In The Sky
Action 2 - Gnostic Wails
4. Sequence 3 - The Unveiled Mirror
Action 3 - Other Wails
5. Sequence 4 - Divert The Necessities Of The Body
Cycle II - Burning Tongue
6. Sequence 1 - Against The Sail
Action 1 - Vertebrae' Embryo
7. Sequence 2 - Faith
Action 2 - Discordant Effects Of Suicide
8. Sequence 3 - Acclaim New Master
Action 3 - Slave
9. Sequence 4 - First Tasting Of Faecal Matter
Cycle III - Man-Machine
10. Sequence 1 - Some Miracles Of Entrails
Action 1 - Not Showed
11. Sequence 2 - Spirit Of The Valley
Action 2 - Enclose
12. Sequence 3 - Flesh Goes Out Without Grace
13. Epilogue - Running Of Mental Fluids